
Pastors & Staff

Rick and Kenia Santana

Lead Pastors

Together we can do anything!!!

Samuel Rivera

Spiritual Pastor

Never say never to a forever God!!

Pamela Rivera

Worship Pastor

My heart is God's and so I lift up a praise!!

Glen Summit

Connections Pastor

Being kind is natural when in comes from a kind source, The Lord Jesus!!!

Gene Lucero

Education Pastor

If you trust Jesus, you have Jesus, and if you have Jesus, you have everything!!!

Meet the team.

jon & Serena Ramos

Youth Leaders
We hope to encourage a bright future for the Young people through a relationship with each other and Jesus Christ

Jesus Rodriguez

Men's Leader
We all need Jesus…Especially the Men!! 


Children's Teacher
Child like faith is inspirational and formed. 

Helen Casias

Ladies of Grace Women's Leader
Our Ladies of Grace are amazing and true to their calling and love for each other.